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Episode 3- The AVM Research Foundation

Today we are going to be talking with guest Sherri Logan who started The AVM Research Foundation with her husband Mark and we will end with a short discussion on the second half of Chapter 1 of our current focus book “Suffer Strong" by Katherine and Jay Wolf. The AVM Research Foundation’s mission is to raise funds for AVM awareness, with their biggest goals to 1) create a way for early detection, and 2) find a safer treatment for those affected by brain AVMs. The Foundation was created after Ryan Logan, who was 11 years old at the time, was told by doctors that no treatments were safe with his complex grade 4 AVM.” The doctors simply told the Logan family to let their son Ryan simply “let him live his life.” A year later, Ryan suffered a brain hemorrhage.
Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kLCJK5X9Om0
AVM Research Foundation: https://www.research4ryan.org/ryans-story.html